Games X is a Brazilian company responsible for the game Guitar Flash. One of the most popular games on Facebook and with constant presence in the top list of this social network. The mobile version has already reached 10 million downloads only on Google Play Store.

Guitar Flash 3 - New Version

We have done some visual improvements and we also have added new features like the possibility to the players send videos and charts - songs to the game made by players; and a multiplayer mode, where the player can play in real time together with your friends or other players of the game.

The game was showed on BGS 2017 - The biggest game event in Latin America - and it had a great public acceptance by who visited the company's stand during the 5 days of event.

Guitar Flash 2

The game currently has two places to play on PC: a Facebook App and a website. The game is exactly the same, but each place has its own user base.

Place Visitors Page Views
Facebook *¹ 765.489 1.227.38
Site *² 802.365 2.105.383

*¹ Google Analytics (January 2018)
*² Extreme Tracking (January de 2018)

Site -

Facebook App -

Guitar Flash 3 (Beta) -

Social Network

Fan Page and Twitter of Guitar Flash



Numbers related to the "likes" in Fanpage and "followers" on Twitter.


Guitar Flash also has a mobile version and it has already reached 10 million downloads only on Google Play Store. The game is also available for iOS and Windows Phone.

Google Play -

App Store -

Windows Store -

Guitar Flash Stand on BGS 2017

Player that won some Guitar Flash gifts on BGS 2017

Guitar Flash 3 gameplay

Guitar Flash Mobile gameplay

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